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/ Cubase Magazine 38 / Issue #38.iso / 2-SOFTWARE / CRUSHERX-LIVE 2.37D / cxlSetup237.exe / user.lng < prev   
INI File  |  2001-08-31  |  41KB  |  847 lines

  1. [Description]
  2. If you like you can edit the right side behind the "=" sign. Please be shure that you don┤t edit or remove the keys on the left side! Don┤t use mutch more than the original count of chars.
  3. &=Means underline and hot-key. Please use it only if it are used in the original key.
  4. ~~=Means wordwrap. Please use it only if it are used in the original key.
  6. [Messages]
  7. cxl_HelpWhereisFile=Where is File?
  8. cxl_WrongFileVersion=This File was created by a newer version or is no longer supported. Please get a software update!
  9. cxl_WrongFileVersionTitel=Wrong File Version:
  10. cxl_MidiControllerListName=Controller Type
  11. cxl_MidiListEnable=R&S
  12. cxl_MidiListChannel=Chan.
  13. cxl_MidiControllerListControlNumber=Num.
  14. cxl_MidiAction=Action
  15. cxl_MidiMap=Map
  16. cxl_MidiListGridReset=Reset
  17. cxl_MidiListGridInvert=Invert
  18. cxl_MidiListGridPoints=Points:
  19. cxl_MidiListChannelAll=all
  20. cxl_MidiListREnable=R
  21. cxl_MidiListSEnable=S
  22. cxl_MidiListRSEnable=R&S
  23. cxl_MidiKeyListName=Key Type
  24. cxl_MidiKeyListFrom=From
  25. cxl_MidiKeyListTo=To
  26. cxl_MidiDeviceNo=No Device
  27. cxl_MidiOpenErrorText=Can┤t open the desired MIDI Port! Please try again after closing the other applications or choose an other MIDI Port.
  28. cxl_MidiInErrorTitel=MIDI-Input Device
  29. cxl_MidiOutErrorTitel=MIDI-Output Device
  30. cxl_OutCaption=Out
  31. cxl_OutNotAssigned=r
  32. cxl_ASIOOn=ASIO
  33. cxl_ASIOOff=DirectX
  34. cxl_LoadListAutoSave=You sure you wish to aktivate AutoSave? Automatically files in list will be modified!
  35. cxl_LoadListAutoSaveTitel=Aktivating Autosave
  36. cxl_LoadListWhereIs=Where is file:
  37. cxl_StatusModifiedText=Modified
  38. cxl_StatusNotModifiedText=
  39. cxl_StatusUndoLevel=Undo:
  40. cxl_StatusDSPOnText=DSP: On
  41. cxl_StatusDSPOffText=DSP: Off
  42. cxl_StatusAutoSaveOnText=AutoSave
  43. cxl_StatusAutoSaveOffText=
  44. cxl_RegFeatureStart=The key disables this dialog.
  45. cxl_RegFeatureRec=The key enables the real-time and off-line stereo harddisk recording.
  46. cxl_RegFeatureLoadListSave=The key allows to saves the loadlist.
  47. cxl_RegFeatureSave=The key allows to save the Crusher-Sheets.
  48. cxl_Thankyou=Thank you
  49. CbsW_TSaveFileQuery=Save changes from %s: %s ?
  50. CbsW_TSaveFileQueryTitel=Current %s not saved
  51. CbsW_TFileOverwrite=Overwrite %s: %s ?
  52. CbsW_TFileOverwriteTitel=Save %s
  53. CbsW_FileNotExists=Can┤t find %s: %s
  54. CbsW_TFileNotExistsTitel=Open %s
  55. CDX_ErrorCaption=Error
  56. CDX_ErrorAction=Action:
  57. CDX_ErrorTip=Tip(s):
  58. CDX_ErrorError=Error:
  59. CDX_ErrorNODIRECTX=DirectX 6.0 or higher not found.
  60. CDX_ErrorTipNODIRECTX=Please install DirectX 6.0 or higher. Check path c:\Windows\System if file dsound.dll is there. Checkout Direct-X Website if you use NT.
  61. CDX_ErrorTipWaveFormat=Please try other wave formats.
  62. CDX_ErrorTipCaptureCreate=Maybe your sound card don┤t support real full duplex input and output or more than one instance is not allowed. Try to use only an output device. Close all other sound applications which may have access to your sound card. Restart your system. Install newer Direct-X certified drivers. Ask your card manufacturer for DirectX support.
  63. CDX_ErrorTipSetCooperativeLevel=Close all other sound applications which have access to your sound card.
  64. CDX_OutputDirectSoundCreate=Output DirectSound Create
  65. CDX_OutputSetCooperativeLevel=Output Set CooperativeLevel
  66. CDX_OutputCreateSoundBufferPrimary=Output Create SoundBufferPrimary
  67. CDX_OutputSetFormat=Output SetFormat
  68. CDX_CallDirectX=Call DirectX
  69. CDX_InputDirectSoundCaptureCreate=Input DirectSoundCaptureCreate
  70. CDX_ErrorWrongTableFilename=Sorry, but only 16bit-mono Wav-Files are allowed!
  71. CDX_InputStart=Input Buffer Start
  72. CDX_OutputStart=Output Buffer Start
  73. CDX_OutputStop=Output Buffer Stop
  74. CDX_InputStop=Input Buffer Stop
  75. CDX_InputCreateCaptureBuffer=Input CreateCaptureBuffer
  76. CDX_OutputCreateSoundBuffer=Output CreateSoundBuffer
  77. CDX_OutputClearSoundBuffer=Output ClearSoundBuffer
  78. CDX_OutputGetCaps=Output GetCaps
  79. CDX_SelectNoDevice=No Device
  80. CDX_OutOfMemory=Out of Memory!
  81. CDX_UnrecognizedMIDIEvent=Unrecognized MIDI Event
  82. CASIO_NotPresentCaption=ASIO Panel
  83. CASIO_NotPresentText=The selected ASIO Driver doesn┤t support an option panel
  84. CASIO_NoDriver=Can┤t find an ASIO Driver on your system. If you like you can download a demo version of steinberg cubase on www.steinberg.de that comes with two ASIO-Drivers (Direct-X and MME)
  85. CASIO_NoDriverCaption=No ASIO Driver Found
  86. CASIO_bsDXExternNotFound=Can┤t find file bsDXExtern.bsx. Please install it in the program folder.
  87. CASIO_bsDXExternNotFoundCaption=Try loading ASIO Interface
  88. CASIO_GoodChannelType=(Ok, supported!)
  89. CASIO_BadChannelType=(Bad, not supported!)
  91. [fbsWAbout]
  92. fbsWAbout.Caption=About
  93. fbsWAbout.lLegal.Caption=License agreement:
  94. fbsWAbout.lReg.Caption=This copy is registered to:
  95. fbsWAbout.llCredits.Caption=Credits:
  96. fbsWAbout.bOK.Caption=&OK
  97. fbsWAbout.bRegister.Caption=Please &Register
  98. fbsWAbout.bReport.Caption=&Send a Bug Report/Suggestion
  100. [fbsWOrder]
  101. fbsWOrder.Caption=Registration
  102. fbsWOrder.bOk.Caption=&Maybe later
  103. fbsWOrder.bOk.Hint=Ok, no problem ...
  104. fbsWOrder.bReg.Caption=&Enter your Key here
  105. fbsWOrder.bReg.Hint=Thank you!
  106. fbsWOrder.gbInfo.Caption=Would you like to register your copy?
  107. fbsWOrder.linfo.Caption=Upon registering, you will receive the full version and a personal Key which will remove all the limitations.
  108. fbsWOrder.lexample.Caption=For example:
  109. fbsWOrder.bRegister.Caption=&Take me to that registration page!
  110. fbsWOrder.bMail.Caption=&Any question?
  111. fbsWOrder.bupdate.Caption=&UpDate Request
  113. [fRegInput]
  114. fRegInput.Caption=Register
  115. fRegInput.bReg.Caption=&Register and have unlimited fun with the crusher!
  116. fRegInput.lFName.Caption=Please enter your &First Name (that you used on registration) here:
  117. fRegInput.lLName.Caption=Please enter your &Last Name (that you used on registration) here:
  118. fRegInput.lNumber.Caption=Please enter your Licence &Number here:
  119. fRegInput.lSnr.Caption=Please enter your Key (personal Serial Number) here:
  120. fRegInput.bPaste.Caption=&Paste
  121. fRegInput.lStep1.Caption=Step 1:
  122. fRegInput.lStep2.Caption=Step 2:
  123. fRegInput.lStep3.Caption=Step 3:
  124. fRegInput.lNote.Caption=Note: If your key will not work with this version, please use the following online update form to receive a new version or key:
  126. [fbsWQuestion]
  127. fbsWQuestion.bYes.Caption=&Yes
  128. fbsWQuestion.bNo.Caption=&No
  129. fbsWQuestion.bCancel.Caption=&Cancel
  131. [fbsDXDXDlg]
  132. fbsDXDXDlg.Caption=DirectX Setup
  133. fbsDXDXDlg.tDSPOn.bsDXText1=Processing
  134. fbsDXDXDlg.tCPU.bsDXText1=CPU:
  135. fbsDXDXDlg.bOk.Caption=OK
  136. fbsDXDXDlg.bCancel.Caption=Cancel
  137. fbsDXDXDlg.bApply.Caption=Apply
  138. fbsDXDXDlg.tsDevicesOut.Caption=&Output Devices
  139. fbsDXDXDlg.lOutputDevices.Caption=DX Output Devices:
  140. fbsDXDXDlg.lOutputChannel.Caption=Channel:
  141. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerOutput1.Caption=Mixer...
  142. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerOutput1.Hint=Please open the "WAVE" channel and the "MASTER VOLUME" using the windows mixer!
  143. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerOutput2.Caption=Mixer...
  144. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerOutput3.Caption=Mixer...
  145. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerOutput4.Caption=Mixer...
  146. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerOutput5.Caption=Mixer...
  147. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerOutput6.Caption=Mixer...
  148. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerOutput7.Caption=Mixer...
  149. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerOutput8.Caption=Mixer...
  150. fbsDXDXDlg.tsDevicesIn.Caption=&Input Devices
  151. fbsDXDXDlg.lInputChannel.Caption=Channel:
  152. fbsDXDXDlg.lInputDevices.Caption=DX Input Devices:
  153. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerInput1.Caption=Mixer...
  154. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerInput1.Hint=Please select an input source using the windows mixer! Don┤t forget setting up the recording volume.
  155. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerInput2.Caption=Mixer...
  156. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerInput3.Caption=Mixer...
  157. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerInput4.Caption=Mixer...
  158. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerInput5.Caption=Mixer...
  159. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerInput6.Caption=Mixer...
  160. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerInput7.Caption=Mixer...
  161. fbsDXDXDlg.bMixerInput8.Caption=Mixer...
  162. fbsDXDXDlg.tsProcessing.Caption=&Processing
  163. fbsDXDXDlg.gbBuffer.Caption=&Engine:
  164. fbsDXDXDlg.lbig.Caption=big
  165. fbsDXDXDlg.lsmall.Caption=small
  166. fbsDXDXDlg.llantency.Caption=Total latency:
  167. fbsDXDXDlg.lBuffer.Caption=Device &Buffer:
  168. fbsDXDXDlg.lPower.Caption=&Power:
  169. fbsDXDXDlg.lweak.Caption=weak
  170. fbsDXDXDlg.lstrong.Caption=strong
  171. fbsDXDXDlg.tbDeviceBuffer.Hint=The size of the buffer between the application and DirectX devices. ~~Optimize it f